Saturday, March 28, 2015

Annoying People

Here are some annoying types of people
I'm sure all have 1 of thse people in your life

1. When someone talks to you when you're wearing
headphones. They see your headphones but still interrupts you to talk about something really useless

2. People that always are late or something and you have to wait for them.
I really don't like waiting

3. The person that never listens and decide exactly what they are going to think about you. If your late they will be like - I know you don't care, that's why you were late
Please listen so I can explain

4. The annoying people that will always stare at you. Don't they have any better thing ato look at. The sky maybe. They will be looking at me at all times
I don't understand them

5.People who can't take a No for an answer
If I say now I often mean it. If someone offers me food maybe i'll say no to be polite even if I really want to eat. When I say no to food you know I don't mean it
So If I say no to other things, just move on

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